Wood Industry Associations

The Wood Industry is comprised of several member associations who provide education, advocacy, events, credentialing, and resources to the community. Below are several organizations working to advance the sector.

American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC)

The American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) is the leading international trade association for the U.S. hardwood industry, representing the committed U.S. hardwood exporters and the major U.S. hardwood product trade associations. AHEC runs a worldwide program to promote the full range of American hardwoods in over 50 export markets.

The American Hardwood Information Center is the authoritative resource for consumers and professionals seeking information about American Hardwoods. With the goal of promoting the use of American Hardwood products ranging from flooring, cabinetry and furniture, to millwork and building materials in both residential and commercial applications, the Center offers advice from industry experts on design trends, care and maintenance, installation, finishing and professional specifying.

Appalachian Hardwood provides wooden good manufacturers a superior, long-lasting resource of over a dozen species of hardwood, including Red Oak, White Oak, Walnut, Poplar, Hard Maple, Soft Maple, Ash, Cherry, Basswood and Hickory, hardwood from the Appalachian region. Its sustainability agenda is focused on modern forest management and wise utilization, and those efforts have played a role in adding 300,000 forested acres to the Appalachian region, with more than a billion trees have been added to the region since 2007.

The American Home Furnishings Alliance (AHFA) is the world’s largest and most influential trade organization that serves the U.S. residential furniture industry and is the premier authority on business information related to home furnishings. Since 1905, AHFA and its predecessor organizations have disseminated the most up-to-date management, manufacturing and technical information to member companies and acted as a watchdog against burdensome regulatory requirements and government intervention.

The Architectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) is a nonprofit trade association founded in 1953. Today, AWI represents nearly 2000 members consisting of architectural woodworkers, suppliers, design professionals and students from around the world.

Founded in 2005, the Association of Closet and Storage Professionals (ACSP) has been dedicated to uniting the custom storage industry, enhancing our members’ professional image, and offering trusted insights to storage consumers.

The Association of Consulting Foresters of America, Inc. (ACF) is a national organization committed to serving independent consulting foresters who manage forests and market forest products for private woodland owners. Our mission is to advance the practice of professional consulting forestry and our vision is to be the preeminent resource driving excellence for professional consulting foresters, with our members recognized as the gold standard, empowering landowners and stakeholders to make informed decisions and implement responsible management of forest and natural resources.

Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers

The Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers® (AWFS®) is the largest national trade association in the U.S. representing the interests of the broad array of companies that supply the home and commercial furnishings industry.

The Cabinet Makers Association is a group of custom cabinet and woodworking shops in the United States and Canada. The CMA offers educational and networking opportunities to help companies grow.

The Composite Panel Association (CPA), founded in 1960, represents the North American composite panel industry on technical, regulatory, quality assurance and product acceptance issues. CPA General Members include 30 of the leading manufacturers of particleboard, medium density fiberboard, and hardboard. Together they represent more than 92% of the total manufacturing capacity in US, Canada and Mexico.

Founded in 1921, the Decorative Hardwoods Association (formerly the Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association or HPVA®) represents the interests of the hardwood plywood, hardwood veneer, and engineered hardwood flooring industries. Our member companies produce 90% of the hardwood plywood stock panels and hardwood veneer manufactured in North America.

The Forest Products Society is an international not-for-profit technical association founded in 1947 to provide an information network on wood and wood-fiber resources for all segments of the forest products industry.

The Hardwood Federation is the largest DC-based hardwood industry trade association, representing thousands of hardwood businesses in every state in the U.S. and acting as the industry’s advocacy voice on Capitol Hill. It is an umbrella organization representing the majority of trade associations engaged in the manufacturing, wholesaling, or distribution of North American hardwood lumber, veneer, plywood, flooring and related products.

The Hardwood Manufactures Association (HMA) is the only national trade organization with membership limited to hardwood sawmills and lumber concentration yards located in the U.S.

ISKA is a member organization dedicated to furthering the interest of individuals, partnerships and corporations in the saw works business by improving education and the prestige of the industry.

International Wood Products Association is the leading international trade association representing the North American imported wood products industry, with over 200 companies and trade organizations engaged in the import of hardwoods and softwoods from sustainably managed forests in more than 30 nations across the globe. Association members consist of three key groups involved in the import process: U.S. importers and consuming industries, offshore manufacturers and the service providers that facilitate trade.

The Kitchen Cabinet Manufacturers Association (KCMA) is a voluntary, non-profit trade association representing North American cabinet manufacturers and suppliers to the industry. KCMA is an influential advocate for the industry and since 1955 has administered the nationally-recognized performance standard for cabinets (ANSI/KCMA A161.1). Today, KCMA also is leading the way in promoting responsible environment practices in the industry.

Since its start in 1920, the National Association of State Foresters (NASF) has served as a leading authority on forest management in the United States. NASF’s members are the primary delivery system for forest management activities nationwide. They conserve, enhance, and protect state and private forests, which encompass nearly two-thirds of the nation’s forests, and are responsible for wildfire protection on more than 1.5 billion acres.

NHLA’s Mission is to serve NHLA Members in the North American Hardwood Lumber Industry by: maintaining order, structure, rules, and ethics in the changing hardwood marketplace; providing member services unique to the hardwood lumber industry; driving collaboration across the hardwood industry to promote demand for North American hardwood lumber and advocate the interest of the hardwood community in public/private policy issues; building positive relationships within the global hardwood community.

The National Wood Flooring Association is dedicated to the advancement and promotion of the wood flooring industry, and provides technical support, education, networking, and more to its members.

The National Wooden Pallet & Container Association (NWPCA) is the largest organization of wood packaging professionals in the world, with more than 800 company members in 38 countries who manufacture, repair and distribute pallets and wood packaging in unit-load solutions, or who supply products and services to the industry. Our mission is to provide an environment for our members to succeed while promoting the wood pallet and wood packaging industry.

The National Woods Board was formed to replicate this successful, scalable MiLL model in order to serve other wood industry hotspots throughout North America by providing trained, skilled workers who are ready to join a wood products manufacturing firm in multiple geographies.

The North American Association of Floor Covering Distributors (NAFCD) was organized to foster trade and commerce for those having a business, financial or professional interest as wholesale distributors or manufacturers of floor coverings and allied products.

The North American Building Material Distribution Association (NBMDA) represents a network of distributors and manufacturers dedicated to pursuing the association’s mission of developing and promoting the effectiveness of distribution processes to improve member profitability and growth.

Founded in 1989, the North American Forest Foundation is a 501-C3 organization rooted in education. Our mission is to support the forest products industry through education, promotion, and advocacy about sustainable forestry — revealing the #TruthAboutTrees, our world’s most diverse, abundant, and renewable natural resource.

The Real American Hardwood Coalition unites the collective efforts and resources of the industry to advance American hardwood as the Naturally Authentic™ choice and inspire and educate consumers and professionals on the uses and benefits of real hardwood products. The RAHC represents companies from every sector of the industry and every hardwood producing state in the country.

The Society of Wood Science & Technology (SWST) is an internationally-recognized professional organization of wood scientists, engineers, marketing specialists and other professionals concerned with lignocellulosic materials. Members are dedicated to the wise use of one of our most environmentally-sound resources. SWST is committed to protecting our forests through the development of new ideas, procedures, policies and products for the wood industry.

SLMA is a trade association that represents solid sawn lumber manufacturing operations, lumber remanufacturing operations, lumber treating operations, and their suppliers throughout the Southeastern United States.

The Stairbuilders and Manufacturers Association is a collective focusing on the stair industry of the future. Our efforts include Industry Education and Certification, Building Code Development, Stair Safety Education and Curriculum, and Publications: Stair Codes, Stairbuilding, Stair Technology, Stair Safety.

Founded in 1933 and based in Tacoma, Washington, APA represents approximately 175 plywood, oriented strand board, glulam timber, cross-laminated timber, wood I-joist, Rim Board and structural composite lumber mills throughout the U.S. and Canada. Its primary functions are quality auditing and testing, applied research and market support and development.

The Furni­ture Society is a non-profit, member-based orga­ni­za­tion repre­sent­ing, promot­ing, and connect­ing furni­ture makers, design­ers, collec­tors, cura­tors, educa­tors, and manu­fac­tur­ers from around the world. The Furni­ture Society works to realize its mission through educa­tional programs, exhi­bi­tions and exhi­bi­tion support, recog­ni­tion of excel­lence in the field, program part­ner­ships, educa­tional grants, work­shop part­ner­ships, and bi-annual confer­ences.

The WCMA cultivates a member network through ​exposure to innovations, industry promotion, trends and information, and peer learning in support of the North American Wood Products Industry.

The Wood Industry Association (WIA) was established following the merger of the Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America (WMMA) and the Woodworking Machinery Industry Association (WMIA). Its mission is to improve management operations, marketing programs, sales techniques, merchandising and distribution functions of those engaged in the domestic or foreign manufacture of woodworking machinery and ancillary equipment or supplies and/or the sale of such equipment or supplies in North America.

Wood Moulding & Millwork Producers Association

The MMPA is an international trade association uniting manufacturers of diverse moulding and millwork products. MMPA is committed to promoting the protection and enhancement of the natural life cycle of our forests, giving preference to recyclable and renewable resources to preserve ecosystems and maintain the environment for the enjoyment of current and future generations.

The Wood Products Manufacturers Association’s mission is to provide members with the tools, information resources, and services to help their businesses be more competitive to succeed and grow.

Founded in 2007, the mission of the Woodwork Career Alliance (WCA) is to support workforce development for the woodworking industry, which includes certification and training of new and existing woodworking professionals as well as students at both the high school and post-secondary level.

The Woodwork Institute is a national organization whose primary purpose is to ensure excellence and craftsmanship in woodwork. Begun in 1951 as a not-for-profit trade association, the Woodwork Institute has grown into a leading provider of quality assurance programs for architectural millwork.

World Millwork Alliance (WMA) is a wholesale distribution association. Our alliance is dedicated to the progression and prosperity of the millwork industry, including the support of a highly skilled workforce. We engage in advocacy efforts on behalf of our member-businesses, fostering a united millwork trade community that delivers innovative products and services for the benefit of the millwork industry as a whole.